"EncyclopediaFrench": "Le Démineur détectera les mines dans la zone choisie.",
"EncyclopediaFrame": 124,
"ExplainEnglish": "Select the area where you want to detect the mines.",
"ExplainGerman": "Wählen Sie, in welchem Gebiet Minen gesucht werden sollen.",
"ExplainFrench": "Sélectionnez l'endroit où vous voulez détecter les mines.",
"DeployOnce": 0
"Counter": 5,
"typeID": 4,
"NameEnglish": "Bomber",
"NameGerman": "Bomber",
"NameFrench": "Bombardier",
"Race": 0,
"Category": 0,
"Cost": 150,
"Prerequisite": 160,
"AnimationOK_Begin": 1,
"AnimationOK_Qty": 51,
"AnimationDamaged_Begin": 52,
"AnimationDamaged_Qty": 51,
"AnimationDestroyed_Begin": 103,
"AnimationDestroyed_Qty": 41,
"AAPosX": 581,
"AAPosY": 344,
"FrameAA": 16,
"FrameAction": 35,
"facingsImageID": "HBMB",
"cursorID": "UABOMB",
"EncyclopediaEnglish": "The Bomber will attack the enemy where you order him to. It will remove up to 150 AR (armor points) over a 5x5 area.",
"EncyclopediaGerman": "Der Bomber greift den Gegner ├╝berall an, wo Sie ihn hinbeordern. Schaden innerhalb eines Gebietes von 5x5 Feldern: bis zu 150 AR.",
"EncyclopediaFrench": "Le Bombardier attaquera dans la zone où il est appelé. Il peut infliger jusqu'à 150 points de dommages (AR) dans une zone 5x5.",
"EncyclopediaFrame": 27,
"ExplainEnglish": "Select the area that you want to attack.",
"ExplainGerman": "Wählen Sie das Gebiet, das angegriffen werden soll.",
"ExplainFrench": "Sélectionnez la zone que vous désirez attaquer.",
"DeployOnce": 0
"Counter": 6,
"typeID": 5,
"NameEnglish": "Gas",
"NameGerman": "Aerosol-Bomber",
"NameFrench": "Bombardier gaz",
"Race": 0,
"Category": 0,
"Cost": 40,
"Prerequisite": 161,
"AnimationOK_Begin": 1,
"AnimationOK_Qty": 51,
"AnimationDamaged_Begin": 52,
"AnimationDamaged_Qty": 51,
"AnimationDestroyed_Begin": 103,
"AnimationDestroyed_Qty": 41,
"AAPosX": 581,
"AAPosY": 344,
"FrameAA": 16,
"FrameAction": 35,
"facingsImageID": "HGAS",
"cursorID": "UAGAS",
"EncyclopediaEnglish": "The Gas Bomber will surely slow down most of your enemies. It will remove up to 300 AP (action points) over a 3x3 area.",
"EncyclopediaGerman": "Der Aerosol-Bomber verlangsamt die meisten der gegnerischen Einheiten. Schaden innerhalb eines Gebietes von 3x3 Feldern: bis zu 300 AR.",
"EncyclopediaFrench": "Le Bombardier gaz ralentira les ennemis. Il peut enlever jusqu'à 300 points de mouvement (AP) sur une zone 3x3.",
"EncyclopediaFrame": 27,
"ExplainEnglish": "Select the area where you want to drop the gas.",
"ExplainGerman": "Wählen Sie das Gebiet, wo das Aerosol abgeworfen werden soll.",
"ExplainFrench": "Sélectionnez la zone que vous désirez gazer.",
"DeployOnce": 0
"Counter": 7,
"typeID": 6,
"NameEnglish": "Nuke",
"NameGerman": "Burst-Bombe",
"NameFrench": "Nucléaire",
"Race": 0,
"Category": 0,
"Cost": 500,
"Prerequisite": 138,
"AnimationOK_Begin": 1,
"AnimationOK_Qty": 52,
"AnimationDamaged_Begin": 1,
"AnimationDamaged_Qty": 52,
"AnimationDestroyed_Begin": 53,
"AnimationDestroyed_Qty": 16,
"AAPosX": 420,
"AAPosY": 220,
"FrameAA": 2,
"FrameAction": 28,
"facingsImageID": "HNKE",
"cursorID": "UANUKE",
"EncyclopediaEnglish": "The Nuclear Missile is the most powerful weapon we could bring on Nu Haven, use it wisely. It will remove up to 1000 AR (armor points) over a 11x11 area.",
"EncyclopediaGerman": "Die Burst-Bombe ist die stärkste Waffe auf ganz New Haven. Setzen Sie sie klug ein. Schaden innerhalb eines Gebietes von 11x11 Feldern: bis zu 1.000 AR.",
"EncyclopediaFrench": "Le Missile nucléaire est l'arme ultime. Il détruira probablement toutes les unités dans la zone où il explosera.",
"EncyclopediaFrame": 48,
"ExplainEnglish": "Select the zone that you want to destroy.",
"ExplainGerman": "Wählen Sie die Zone, die zerstört werden soll.",
"ExplainFrench": "Sélectionnez la zone que vous désirez détruire.",
"DeployOnce": 0
"Counter": 9,
"typeID": 8,
"NameEnglish": "Bridge",
"NameGerman": "Br├╝cke",
"NameFrench": "Ingénieur Tauran",
"Race": 1,
"Category": 2,
"Cost": 15,
"Prerequisite": 250,
"AnimationOK_Begin": 1,
"AnimationOK_Qty": 96,
"AnimationDamaged_Begin": 1,
"AnimationDamaged_Qty": 96,
"AnimationDestroyed_Begin": 97,
"AnimationDestroyed_Qty": 66,
"AAPosX": 479,
"AAPosY": 434,
"FrameAA": 35,
"FrameAction": 90,
"facingsImageID": "TBDG",
"cursorID": "UABRIDGE",
"EncyclopediaEnglish": "Each time it is called, a new piece of bridge will be built.",
"EncyclopediaGerman": "Jede Anforderung plaziert ein neues Br├╝ckensegment.",
"EncyclopediaFrench": "L'Ingénieur de pont Tauran construira une section de pont chaque fois qu'il sera appelé.",
"EncyclopediaFrame": 100,
"ExplainEnglish": "Select where you want to build a bridge section.",
"ExplainGerman": "Wählen Sie, wo Sie ein Brückensegment plazieren wollen.",
"ExplainFrench": "Sélectionnez l'endroit où vous voulez ajouter une section de pont.",
"DeployOnce": 0
"Counter": 10,
"typeID": 9,
"NameEnglish": "Mine",
"NameGerman": "Mine",
"NameFrench": "Démineur Tauran",
"Race": 1,
"Category": 3,
"Cost": 15,
"Prerequisite": 250,
"AnimationOK_Begin": 1,
"AnimationOK_Qty": 81,
"AnimationDamaged_Begin": 82,
"AnimationDamaged_Qty": 81,
"AnimationDestroyed_Begin": 163,
"AnimationDestroyed_Qty": 66,
"AAPosX": 581,
"AAPosY": 434,
"FrameAA": 35,
"FrameAction": 57,
"facingsImageID": "TMIN",
"cursorID": "UAMINE",
"EncyclopediaEnglish": "The Tauran Mine Detector is able to pinpoint the positions of hostile mines.",
"EncyclopediaFrench": "Le Démineur Tauran détectera les mines dans la zone choisie.",
"EncyclopediaFrame": 100,
"ExplainEnglish": "Select the area where you want to detect the mines.",
"ExplainGerman": "Wählen Sie, in welchem Gebiet Minen gesucht werden sollen.",
"ExplainFrench": "Sélectionnez l'endroit où vous voulez détecter les mines.",
"DeployOnce": 0
"Counter": 11,
"typeID": 10,
"NameEnglish": "Medic",
"NameGerman": "Medic",
"NameFrench": "Médecin Tauran",
"Race": 1,
"Category": 1,
"Cost": 300,
"Prerequisite": 250,
"AnimationOK_Begin": 1,
"AnimationOK_Qty": 86,
"AnimationDamaged_Begin": 87,
"AnimationDamaged_Qty": 86,
"AnimationDestroyed_Begin": 173,
"AnimationDestroyed_Qty": 66,
"AAPosX": 479,
"AAPosY": 434,
"FrameAA": 32,
"FrameAction": 50,
"facingsImageID": "THMD",
"cursorID": "UAMEDIC",
"EncyclopediaEnglish": "The Tauran Medic will cure 200 AR (armor points) and give 200 AP (action points) to any unit. It can only be called once per combat.",
"EncyclopediaFrench": "Le médecin Tauran guérira jusqu'à 200 points d'armure (AR) et 200 points de mouvement (AP) sur n'importe quelle unité. Il ne peut être appelé qu'une seule fois par combat.",
"EncyclopediaFrame": 100,
"ExplainEnglish": "Select the area containing the units to cure.",
"ExplainGerman": "Wählen Sie ein Gebiet mit Einheiten, die wiederhergestellt werden sollen.",
"ExplainFrench": "Sélectionnez l'unité que vous désirez réparer.",
"DeployOnce": 1
"Counter": 13,
"typeID": 12,
"NameEnglish": "Gene Bomb",
"NameGerman": "GRX-Bombe",
"NameFrench": "Bombe génétique",
"Race": 1,
"Category": 0,
"Cost": 500,
"Prerequisite": 233,
"AnimationOK_Begin": 1,
"AnimationOK_Qty": 62,
"AnimationDamaged_Begin": 1,
"AnimationDamaged_Qty": 62,
"AnimationDestroyed_Begin": 63,
"AnimationDestroyed_Qty": 11,
"AAPosX": 420,
"AAPosY": 220,
"FrameAA": 1,
"FrameAction": 55,
"facingsImageID": "TBMB",
"cursorID": "UANUKE",
"EncyclopediaEnglish": "The ultimate in damage dealing weapons. This Tauran Nuclear device is deadly. It will remove up to 1000 AR (armor points) over a 11x11 area.",
"EncyclopediaGerman": "Die vernichtendste aller Waffen. Die tauranische GRX-Bombe ist absolut t├╢dlich. Schaden innerhalb eines Gebietes von 11x11 Feldern: bis zu 1.000 AR.",
"EncyclopediaFrench": "L'arme ultime, elle détruira probablement toutes les unités dans la zone où elle explosera.",
"EncyclopediaFrame": 86,
"ExplainEnglish": "Select the zone you want to destroy.",
"ExplainGerman": "Wählen Sie die Zone, die zerstört werden soll.",
"ExplainFrench": "Sélectionnez la zone que vous désirez détruire.",
"DeployOnce": 0
"Counter": 16,
"typeID": 14,
"NameEnglish": "Footmen",
"NameGerman": "Kämpfer",
"NameFrench": "Braves",
"Race": 2,
"Category": 4,
"Cost": 60,
"Prerequisite": 431,
"AnimationOK_Begin": 1,
"AnimationOK_Qty": 131,
"AnimationDamaged_Begin": 132,
"AnimationDamaged_Qty": 131,
"AnimationDestroyed_Begin": 263,
"AnimationDestroyed_Qty": 111,
"AAPosX": 274,
"AAPosY": 434,
"FrameAA": 45,
"FrameAction": 120,
"facingsImageID": "BZLN",
"cursorID": "UAZEPP",
"EncyclopediaEnglish": "The Zeppelin will transport Shubblar Footman anywhere on the map.",
"EncyclopediaGerman": "Die Shubblar-Kämpfer werden vom Zeppelin an jeden Ort der Karte befördert.",
"EncyclopediaFrench": "Le Zeppelin transportera des Braves Shubblar n'importe-o├╣ sur la carte.",
"EncyclopediaFrame": 16,
"ExplainEnglish": "Select the area you want reinforcements in.",
"ExplainGerman": "Wählen Sie das Gebiet, in dem Verstärkungen stationiert werden sollen.",
"ExplainFrench": "Sélectionnez la zone où vous désirez avoir du renfort.(pas dans l'eau)",
"DeployOnce": 0
"Counter": 17,
"typeID": 15,
"NameEnglish": "Troopers",
"NameGerman": "Trooper",
"NameFrench": "Soldats",
"Race": 0,
"Category": 4,
"Cost": 90,
"Prerequisite": 150,
"AnimationOK_Begin": 1,
"AnimationOK_Qty": 131,
"AnimationDamaged_Begin": 132,
"AnimationDamaged_Qty": 131,
"AnimationDestroyed_Begin": 263,
"AnimationDestroyed_Qty": 111,
"AAPosX": 274,
"AAPosY": 434,
"FrameAA": 47,
"FrameAction": 74,
"facingsImageID": "HPAR",
"cursorID": "UAHPAR",
"EncyclopediaEnglish": "The Gliders will land Troopers anywhere on the map.",
"EncyclopediaGerman": "Trooper k├╢nnen von Gleitern an jeden Ort der Karte bef├╢rdert werden.",
"EncyclopediaFrench": "Les Planeurs transporteront des soldats n'importe o├╣ sur la carte.",
"EncyclopediaFrame": 125,
"ExplainEnglish": "Select the area you want reinforcements in.",
"ExplainGerman": "Wählen Sie das Gebiet, in dem Verstärkungen stationiert werden sollen.",
"ExplainFrench": "Sélectionnez la zone où vous désirez avoir du renfort.(pas dans l'eau)",
"DeployOnce": 0
"Counter": 8,
"typeID": 7,
"NameEnglish": "Transport",
"NameGerman": "Transporter",
"NameFrench": "Transport Tauran",
"Race": 1,
"Category": 5,
"Cost": 40,
"Prerequisite": 250,
"AnimationOK_Begin": 1,
"AnimationOK_Qty": 66,
"AnimationDamaged_Begin": 67,
"AnimationDamaged_Qty": 66,
"AnimationDestroyed_Begin": 133,
"AnimationDestroyed_Qty": 51,
"AAPosX": 450,
"AAPosY": 433,
"FrameAA": 25,
"FrameAction": 31,
"facingsImageID": "THTR",
"cursorID": "UATRANSP",
"EncyclopediaEnglish": "The Tauran Transport craft enables the alien player to move any allied unit anywhere on the map.",
"EncyclopediaGerman": "Der tauranische Transporter kann eigene und verb├╝ndete Truppen der Aliens zu jedem Punkt der Karte bef├╢rdern.",
"EncyclopediaFrench": "Le Transport Tauran transportera une unité ennemie n'importe-où sur la carte.",
"EncyclopediaFrame": 100,
"ExplainEnglish": "Click on the unit you wish to transport.",
"ExplainGerman": "Klicken Sie auf die Einheit, die transportiert werden soll.",
"ExplainFrench": "Sélectionnez l'unité que vous désirez transporter ainsi que sa destination.",
"DeployOnce": 0
"Counter": 12,
"typeID": 11,
"NameEnglish": "Fighters",
"NameGerman": "Kampfflugzeug",
"NameFrench": "Chasseurs Tauran",
"Race": 1,
"Category": 0,
"Cost": 200,
"Prerequisite": 231,
"AnimationOK_Begin": 1,
"AnimationOK_Qty": 77,
"AnimationDamaged_Begin": 78,
"AnimationDamaged_Qty": 67,
"AnimationDestroyed_Begin": 145,
"AnimationDestroyed_Qty": 31,
"AAPosX": 768,
"AAPosY": 176,
"FrameAA": 7,
"FrameAction": 23,
"facingsImageID": "TFGT",
"cursorID": "UABOMB",
"EncyclopediaEnglish": "The Tauran Fighters will attack the units in the target zone. It will remove up to 150 AR (armor points) over a 7x7 area.",
"EncyclopediaGerman": "Tauranische Kampfflugzeuge greifen gegnerische Einheiten in der Zielzone an. Schaden innerhalb eines Gebietes von 7x7 Feldern: bis zu 150 AR.",
"EncyclopediaFrench": "Les chasseurs Taurans attaqueront les unités dans la zone choisie. Ils peuvent infliger jusqu'à 150 points de dommages (AR) sur une zone 7x7.",
"EncyclopediaFrame": 91,
"ExplainEnglish": "Select the area you want to attack.",
"ExplainGerman": "Wählen Sie das Gebiet, das angegriffen werden soll.",
"ExplainFrench": "Sélectionnez la zone que vous désirez attaquer.",
"DeployOnce": 0
"Counter": 18,
"typeID": 16,
"NameEnglish": "Commandos",
"NameGerman": "Einzelkämpfer",
"NameFrench": "Commandos",
"Race": 0,
"Category": 4,
"Cost": 275,
"Prerequisite": 150,
"AnimationOK_Begin": 1,
"AnimationOK_Qty": 131,
"AnimationDamaged_Begin": 132,
"AnimationDamaged_Qty": 131,
"AnimationDestroyed_Begin": 263,
"AnimationDestroyed_Qty": 111,
"AAPosX": 274,
"AAPosY": 434,
"FrameAA": 47,
"FrameAction": 74,
"facingsImageID": "HPAR",
"cursorID": "UAHPAR",
"EncyclopediaEnglish": "The Gliders will land Commandos anywhere on the map.",
"EncyclopediaGerman": "Einzelkämpfer werden von Gleitern an jeden Ort der Karte gebracht.",
"EncyclopediaFrench": "Les Planeurs transporteront des commandos n'importe o├╣ sur la carte.",
"EncyclopediaFrame": 125,
"ExplainEnglish": "Select the area you want reinforcements in.",
"ExplainGerman": "Wählen Sie das Gebiet, in dem Verstärkungen stationiert werden sollen.",
"ExplainFrench": "Sélectionnez la zone où vous désirez avoir du renfort.(pas dans l'eau)",
"DeployOnce": 0
"Counter": 19,
"typeID": 17,
"NameEnglish": "Elite Troopers",
"NameGerman": "Elite-Trooper",
"NameFrench": "Soldats Élite",
"Race": 0,
"Category": 4,
"Cost": 120,
"Prerequisite": 150,
"AnimationOK_Begin": 1,
"AnimationOK_Qty": 131,
"AnimationDamaged_Begin": 132,
"AnimationDamaged_Qty": 131,
"AnimationDestroyed_Begin": 263,
"AnimationDestroyed_Qty": 111,
"AAPosX": 274,
"AAPosY": 434,
"FrameAA": 47,
"FrameAction": 74,
"facingsImageID": "HPAR",
"cursorID": "UAHPAR",
"EncyclopediaEnglish": "The Gliders will land Elite Trooper anywhere on the map.",
"EncyclopediaGerman": "Elite-Trooper werden von Gleitern an jeden Ort der Karte gebracht.",
"EncyclopediaFrench": "Les Planeurs transporteront des soldats élite n'importe où sur la carte.",
"EncyclopediaFrame": 125,
"ExplainEnglish": "Select the area you want reinforcements in.",
"ExplainGerman": "Wählen Sie das Gebiet, in dem Verstärkungen stationiert werden sollen.",
"ExplainFrench": "Sélectionnez la zone où vous désirez avoir du renfort.(pas dans l'eau)",
"DeployOnce": 0
"Counter": 22,
"typeID": 20,
"NameEnglish": "Paralyzers",
"NameGerman": "Paralyzer",
"NameFrench": "Paralizeurs",
"Race": 3,
"Category": 4,
"Cost": 300,
"Prerequisite": 360,
"AnimationOK_Begin": 1,
"AnimationOK_Qty": 131,
"AnimationDamaged_Begin": 132,
"AnimationDamaged_Qty": 131,
"AnimationDestroyed_Begin": 263,
"AnimationDestroyed_Qty": 111,
"AAPosX": 274,
"AAPosY": 434,
"FrameAA": 45,
"FrameAction": 90,
"facingsImageID": "TMDR",
"cursorID": "UAHPAR",
"EncyclopediaEnglish": "The Transport will drop Paralyzers anywhere on the map.",
"EncyclopediaGerman": "Die Paralyzer k├╢nnen von Transportern an jeden Ort der Karte gebracht werden.",
"EncyclopediaFrench": "Le Transport Tauran laissera tomber des paralyseurs n'importe-o├╣ sur la carte.",
"EncyclopediaFrame": 100,
"ExplainEnglish": "Select the area you want reinforcements in.",
"ExplainGerman": "Wählen Sie das Gebiet, in dem Verstärkungen stationiert werden sollen.",
"ExplainFrench": "Sélectionnez la zone où vous désirez avoir du renfort.",
"DeployOnce": 0
"Counter": 24,
"typeID": 22,
"NameEnglish": "Shocktrooper",
"NameGerman": "Schock-Trooper",
"NameFrench": "Raptors",
"Race": 1,
"Category": 4,
"Cost": 300,
"Prerequisite": 250,
"AnimationOK_Begin": 1,
"AnimationOK_Qty": 131,
"AnimationDamaged_Begin": 132,
"AnimationDamaged_Qty": 131,
"AnimationDestroyed_Begin": 263,
"AnimationDestroyed_Qty": 111,
"AAPosX": 274,
"AAPosY": 434,
"FrameAA": 45,
"FrameAction": 90,
"facingsImageID": "TMDR",
"cursorID": "UAHPAR",
"EncyclopediaEnglish": "The Alien Transport will drop Shocktroopers anywhere on the map.",
"EncyclopediaGerman": "Schock-Trooper werden von Alien-Transportern an jeden Ort der Karte bef├╢rdert.",
"EncyclopediaFrench": "Le Transport Tauran laissera tomber des raptors n'importe o├╣ sur la carte.",
"EncyclopediaFrame": 100,
"ExplainEnglish": "Select the area you want reinforcements in.",
"ExplainGerman": "Wählen Sie das Gebiet, in dem Verstärkungen stationiert werden sollen.",
"ExplainFrench": "Sélectionnez la zone où vous désirez avoir du renfort.(pas dans l'eau)",
"DeployOnce": 0
"Counter": 26,
"typeID": 24,
"NameEnglish": "Worms",
"NameGerman": "Worm",
"NameFrench": "Vers",
"Race": 1,
"Category": 4,
"Cost": 1450,
"Prerequisite": 232,
"AnimationOK_Begin": 1,
"AnimationOK_Qty": 131,
"AnimationDamaged_Begin": 132,
"AnimationDamaged_Qty": 131,
"AnimationDestroyed_Begin": 263,
"AnimationDestroyed_Qty": 111,
"AAPosX": 274,
"AAPosY": 434,
"FrameAA": 45,
"FrameAction": 90,
"facingsImageID": "TMDR",
"cursorID": "UAHPAR",
"EncyclopediaEnglish": "The Alien Transport will drop Death Worms anywhere on the map.",
"EncyclopediaGerman": "Worms k├╢nnen von Alien-Transportern an jeden Ort der Karte bef├╢rdert werden.",
"EncyclopediaFrench": "Le Transport Tauran laissera tomber des vers n'importe o├╣ sur la carte.",
"EncyclopediaFrame": 100,
"ExplainEnglish": "Select the area you want reinforcements in.",
"ExplainGerman": "Wählen Sie das Gebiet, in dem Verstärkungen stationiert werden sollen.",
"ExplainFrench": "Sélectionnez la zone où vous désirez avoir du renfort.(pas dans l'eau)",
"DeployOnce": 0
"Counter": 27,
"typeID": 25,
"NameEnglish": "Flyers",
"NameGerman": "Flyer",
"NameFrench": "Ptérodactyles",
"Race": 1,
"Category": 4,
"Cost": 500,
"Prerequisite": 250,
"AnimationOK_Begin": 1,
"AnimationOK_Qty": 131,
"AnimationDamaged_Begin": 132,
"AnimationDamaged_Qty": 131,
"AnimationDestroyed_Begin": 263,
"AnimationDestroyed_Qty": 111,
"AAPosX": 274,
"AAPosY": 434,
"FrameAA": 45,
"FrameAction": 90,
"facingsImageID": "TMDR",
"cursorID": "UAHPAR",
"EncyclopediaEnglish": "The Alien Transport will drop Flyers anywhere on the map.",
"EncyclopediaGerman": "Alien-Transporter k├╢nnen Flyer an jedem Punkt der Karte absetzen.",
"EncyclopediaFrench": "Le Transport Tauran laissera tomber des ptérodactyles n'importe où sur la carte.",
"EncyclopediaFrame": 100,
"ExplainEnglish": "Select the area you want reinforcements in.",
"ExplainGerman": "Wählen Sie das Gebiet, in dem Verstärkungen stationiert werden sollen.",
"ExplainFrench": "Sélectionnez la zone où vous désirez avoir du renfort.",
"DeployOnce": 0
"Counter": 21,
"typeID": 19,
"NameEnglish": "Pyro-Maniacs",
"NameGerman": "Pyromaniac",
"NameFrench": "Maniaques",
"Race": 2,
"Category": 4,
"Cost": 120,
"Prerequisite": 431,
"AnimationOK_Begin": 1,
"AnimationOK_Qty": 131,
"AnimationDamaged_Begin": 132,
"AnimationDamaged_Qty": 131,
"AnimationDestroyed_Begin": 263,
"AnimationDestroyed_Qty": 111,
"AAPosX": 274,
"AAPosY": 434,
"FrameAA": 45,
"FrameAction": 120,
"facingsImageID": "BZLN",
"cursorID": "UAHPAR",
"EncyclopediaEnglish": "The Zeppelin will transport Shubblar Pyro Maniacs anywhere on the map.",
"EncyclopediaGerman": "Die Pyro-Maniacs der Shubblar k├╢nnen von Zeppelinen an jedem Ort der Karte abgesetzt werden.",
"EncyclopediaFrench": "Le Zeppelin transportera des Maniaques Shubblar n'importe-o├╣ sur la carte.",
"EncyclopediaFrame": 16,
"ExplainEnglish": "Select the area you want reinforcements in.",
"ExplainGerman": "Wählen Sie das Gebiet, in dem Verstärkungen stationiert werden sollen.",
"ExplainFrench": "Sélectionnez la zone où vous désirez avoir du renfort.(pas dans l'eau)",
"DeployOnce": 0
"Counter": 20,
"typeID": 18,
"NameEnglish": "Grenadiers",
"NameGerman": "Grenadier",
"NameFrench": "Grenadiers",
"Race": 0,
"Category": 4,
"Cost": 120,
"Prerequisite": 150,
"AnimationOK_Begin": 1,
"AnimationOK_Qty": 131,
"AnimationDamaged_Begin": 132,
"AnimationDamaged_Qty": 131,
"AnimationDestroyed_Begin": 263,
"AnimationDestroyed_Qty": 111,
"AAPosX": 274,
"AAPosY": 434,
"FrameAA": 47,
"FrameAction": 74,
"facingsImageID": "HPAR",
"cursorID": "UAHPAR",
"EncyclopediaEnglish": "The Gliders will land Grenadiers anywhere on the map.",
"EncyclopediaGerman": "Grenadiere k├╢nnen von Gleitern an jeden Ort der Karte bef├╢rdert werden.",
"EncyclopediaFrench": "Les Planeurs transporteront des grenadiers n'importe o├╣ sur la carte.",
"EncyclopediaFrame": 125,
"ExplainEnglish": "Select the area you want reinforcements in.",
"ExplainGerman": "Wählen Sie das Gebiet, in dem Verstärkungen stationiert werden sollen.",
"ExplainFrench": "Sélectionnez la zone où vous désirez avoir du renfort.(pas dans l'eau)",
"DeployOnce": 0
"Counter": 25,
"typeID": 23,
"NameEnglish": "Seekers",
"NameGerman": "Seeker",
"NameFrench": "Droides",
"Race": 3,
"Category": 4,
"Cost": 500,
"Prerequisite": 360,
"AnimationOK_Begin": 1,
"AnimationOK_Qty": 131,
"AnimationDamaged_Begin": 132,
"AnimationDamaged_Qty": 131,
"AnimationDestroyed_Begin": 263,
"AnimationDestroyed_Qty": 111,
"AAPosX": 274,
"AAPosY": 434,
"FrameAA": 45,
"FrameAction": 90,
"facingsImageID": "TMDR",
"cursorID": "UAHPAR",
"EncyclopediaEnglish": "The Alien Transport will drop Seekers anywhere on the map.",
"EncyclopediaGerman": "Seeker k├╢nnen von Alien-Transportern an jedem Ort der Karte abgesetzt werden.",
"EncyclopediaFrench": "Le Transport Tauran laissera tomber des droïdes n'importe-où sur la carte.",
"EncyclopediaFrame": 100,
"ExplainEnglish": "Select the area you want reinforcements in.",
"ExplainGerman": "Wählen Sie das Gebiet, in dem Verstärkungen stationiert werden sollen.",
"ExplainFrench": "Sélectionnez la zone où vous désirez avoir du renfort.",
"DeployOnce": 0
"Counter": 15,
"typeID": 13,
"NameEnglish": "Fighters",
"NameGerman": "Kampfflugzeug",
"NameFrench": "Chasseurs Shadamar",
"Race": 3,
"Category": 0,
"Cost": 75,
"Prerequisite": 360,
"AnimationOK_Begin": 1,
"AnimationOK_Qty": 61,
"AnimationDamaged_Begin": 62,
"AnimationDamaged_Qty": 61,
"AnimationDestroyed_Begin": 123,
"AnimationDestroyed_Qty": 61,
"AAPosX": 768,
"AAPosY": 176,
"FrameAA": 2,
"FrameAction": 27,
"facingsImageID": "MFGT",
"cursorID": "UABOMB",
"EncyclopediaEnglish": "A swift and silent Shadamar destructive fighter. It will attack all the units in the designed zone. It will remove up to 100 AR (armor points) over a 3x3 area.",
"EncyclopediaGerman": "Ein bewegliches und leises Shadamar-Kampfflugzeug. Es greift Gegner in der Zielzone an. Schaden innerhalb eines Gebietes von 3x3 Feldern: bis zu 100 AR.",
"EncyclopediaFrench": "Le chasseur Shadamar attaquera toutes les troupes dans la zone où il est appelé.",
"EncyclopediaFrame": 70,
"ExplainEnglish": "Select the area you want to attack.",
"ExplainGerman": "Wählen Sie das Gebiet, das angegriffen werden soll.",
"ExplainFrench": "Sélectionnez la zone que vous désirez attaquer.",
"DeployOnce": 0
"Counter": 28,
"typeID": 26,
"NameEnglish": "Movement",
"NameGerman": "Mobilizer",
"NameFrench": "Mouvement",
"Race": 0,
"Category": 1,
"Cost": 200,
"Prerequisite": 153,
"AnimationOK_Begin": 1,
"AnimationOK_Qty": 101,
"AnimationDamaged_Begin": 102,
"AnimationDamaged_Qty": 71,
"AnimationDestroyed_Begin": 173,
"AnimationDestroyed_Qty": 57,
"AAPosX": 700,
"AAPosY": 434,
"FrameAA": 29,
"FrameAction": 53,
"facingsImageID": "HHMD",
"cursorID": "UAMEDIC",
"EncyclopediaEnglish": "The Movement will give 450 AP (action points) to any unit. The unit cannot have more AP's than it's original total. It can only be called once per combat.",
"EncyclopediaGerman": "Der Mobilizer gibt einer Einheit bis zu 450 Aktionspunkte. Sie kann jedoch niemals mehr als ihre urspr├╝ngliche Gesamtzahl haben.",
"EncyclopediaFrench": "Le Mouvement redonnera jusqu'à 450 points de mouvement (AP) à une unité. Il ne peut être appelé qu'une seule fois par combat.",
"EncyclopediaFrame": 41,
"ExplainEnglish": "Select the unit that you want to cure.",
"ExplainGerman": "Wählen Sie die Einheit, die wiederhergestellt werden soll.",
"ExplainFrench": "Sélectionnez l'unité que vous désirez réparer.",
"DeployOnce": 1
"Counter": 23,
"typeID": 21,
"NameEnglish": "Mega-Tanks",
"NameGerman": "Megatank",
"NameFrench": "MégaTanks",
"Race": 1,
"Category": 4,
"Cost": 500,
"Prerequisite": 250,
"AnimationOK_Begin": 1,
"AnimationOK_Qty": 131,
"AnimationDamaged_Begin": 132,
"AnimationDamaged_Qty": 131,
"AnimationDestroyed_Begin": 263,
"AnimationDestroyed_Qty": 111,
"AAPosX": 274,
"AAPosY": 434,
"FrameAA": 45,
"FrameAction": 90,
"facingsImageID": "TMDR",
"cursorID": "UAHPAR",
"EncyclopediaEnglish": "The Alien Transport will drop Mega Tanks anywhere on the map.",
"EncyclopediaGerman": "Megatanks k├╢nnen von Alien-Transportern an jeden Ort der Karte gebracht werden.",
"EncyclopediaFrench": "Le Transport Tauran laissera tomber des méga-tanks n'importe où sur la carte.",
"EncyclopediaFrame": 100,
"ExplainEnglish": "Select the area you want reinforcements in.",
"ExplainGerman": "Wählen Sie das Gebiet, in dem Verstärkungen stationiert werden sollen.",
"ExplainFrench": "Sélectionnez la zone où vous désirez avoir du renfort.(pas dans l'eau)",
"DeployOnce": 0
"Counter": 4,
"typeID": 3,
"NameEnglish": "Armor",
"NameGerman": "Panzerung",
"NameFrench": "Médecin",
"Race": 0,
"Category": 1,
"Cost": 100,
"Prerequisite": 153,
"AnimationOK_Begin": 1,
"AnimationOK_Qty": 101,
"AnimationDamaged_Begin": 102,
"AnimationDamaged_Qty": 71,
"AnimationDestroyed_Begin": 173,
"AnimationDestroyed_Qty": 57,
"AAPosX": 479,
"AAPosY": 434,
"FrameAA": 38,
"FrameAction": 53,
"facingsImageID": "HHMA",
"cursorID": "UAMEDIC",
"EncyclopediaEnglish": "The Armor will cure 200 AR (armor points) on any unit or building. It can only be called once per combat.",
"EncyclopediaGerman": "Die Panzerung bringt einer Einheit/einem Gebäude 200 VP (Verteidigungspunkte) zurück.",
"EncyclopediaFrench": "Le Médecin guérira l'unité ou le bâtiment choisi. Il redonnera jusqu'à 200 points d'armure (AR). Il ne peut être appelé qu'une seule fois par combat.",
"EncyclopediaFrame": 41,
"ExplainEnglish": "Select the unit that you want to cure.",
"ExplainGerman": "Wählen Sie die Einheit, die wiederhergestellt werden soll",
"ExplainFrench": "Sélectionnez l'unité que vous désirez réparer.",